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Welcome to my little CoRNER OF THE virtual WORLD...


To MY sanctuary and heART gallery,

Please Come in...


All I simply ask is remove your shoes upon entry and leave your ego at the metaphorical (and metaphsyical) door


Feel free to take a wander through the divine goodness that is on offer here for you, your evolution, ascension & EMBODIMENT OF Your higher purpose WHILE VISITING HERE ON the physical EARTH Plane this lifetime... 


if you are reading this then you are precisely where you are meant to be on this step in your journey of awakening, cellf realisation and emANATION OF YOUR UNIQUE DIVINE Genius AND ESSENCE FOR this world...

Congratulations, source player, for finding my little hidden easter egg realm in the simulation. I am a quantum oracle and ascension guide. I experienced an NDE (near death experience) in 2014 and chose to come back to help my reflections, fellow source players, who need protection and help to get out of the game...

if you want this to be your last incarnation in this dense realm - read on...


everything you will ever need is stored within your divine dna as the unique expression of the universe you are.


Only you can pull the sword of your gene-ius out of the stone of your dna, Yet, to quote  Albus Dumbledore, "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask", so if you need a guide or a quantum oracle to support you on your journey personally or in your business reach out. i am your ally and blue ray eagle eye in the sky.

My intention is that here you will find any tools, codes & resources that enliven your spirit and invite your essence even further out into life...


How can I help?

* 1;1 Readings - intuitive guidance sessions, Gene Keys & Human Design intros

* 1:1 Mentoring -  INNER ACLHEMy DEEP DIVE JOURNEY - individuals & Couples

* Business Oracaling

* Ceremonies & WellBeing Retreats

* Hire Me To Support, Facilitate or Space HolD At Your Events

* Guided Meditations online

* Frequency Mandala Artwork - gallery coming soon

* Lightlogos - I will channel your  business entity and Design your LIGHTLogo encoded with light sonar frequency signal and call in your fractal whom you are here to serve. 

* And More...


Consider me your fellow ally as we walk together home...


growing, evolving and embodying our unique divine essence and playing the role we were born to play this lifetime by divine design!

if you wish to go all in this life, before you go all out -

Let's connect.

lets play...

Book a session or browse my gallery.

You are loved,

Jïlda~Rõse Harris

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